Karanja Narasimha Temple, Ahobilam - Timings, History, Darshan, Pooja Timings
#8 of 12 Places to Visit in Ahobilam
Distance (From Lower Ahobilam Bus Station): 7 Kms
Trip Duration (Including Travel): 30 Mins
Place Location: Between Upper And Lower Ahobilam's
Transportation Options: Cab / Auto
Travel Tips: None
At a distance of 7 Kms from Lower Ahobilam and 1 Km from Upper Ahobilam Temple, situated on ghat road between Upper and Lower Ahobilams, the Karanja Narasimha Temple is named after the tree under which the idol is installed. It is among popular places to visit in Ahobilam.
Here, the idol holds a bow, which in the uniqueness of the idol. According to legend, Lord Hanuman has meditated here and when Narasimha appeared, Hanuman refused to recognize his god in any form but Rama. As per the wish of Hanuman, Narasimha has appeared in Rama's characteristic weapon, the bow.
Timings: 6 AM - 1 PM and 3 PM - 5:30 PM