Yogananda Narasimha Temple, Ahobilam - Timings, History, Darshan, Pooja Timings
#5 of 12 Places to Visit in Ahobilam
Distance (From Lower Ahobilam Bus Station): 2 Kms
Trip Duration (Including Travel): 30 Mins
Transportation Options: Cab / Auto
Travel Tips: None
At a distance of 2 Kms from Lower Ahobilam, Yogananda Narasimha Temple is the place where Lord Narasimha is appeared in yogic posture.
The legend says that, after killing Hiranyakasipu, Lord Narasimha taught Prahlaada the principles of the ancient spiritual system through several yogic postures. Hence, the Lord at this place is called Yogananda Narasimha.
This place can be easily accessed by road from Lower Ahobilam.