TTD Gardens, Tirumala - Timings, Entry Fee, Best Time to Visit

Photo Credit: Flickr

Distance (From Tirumala): 2 Kms

Trip Duration (Including Travel): 1-2 Hours

Transportation Options: Bus / Cab

Travel Tips: None

The TTD Gardens are a group of ornamental, landscape and flower gardens occupying an area of 460 acres in Tirupati and Tirumala.

There are four nurseries at Tirumala at Travelers Bungalow area, Gogarbham Dam area, Sri Padmavathi Guest House area and Divyaramam area wherein ten lakh plants are propagated annually. Hybrid varieties of crotons, hibiscus, and bougainvilleas have been released through hybridisation and mutation and named after great personalities.

The great Vaishnava acharya Sri Ramanuja and his disciple Sri Anandalwar are believed to have been responsible for starting these gardens in the 14th century. Legend has it that the Tirumala flower gardens were cultivated by Sattada Sri Vaishnavas under the name of Dasa Nambis who made flower garlands for use in temples in Tirumala-Tirupati.