Kunti Temple Complex, Aihole - Timings, History, Best Time to Visit
#14 of 17 Places to Visit in Aihole
Distance (From Aihole Bus Stand): 0.7 Kms
Trip Duration (Including Travel): 15 Mins or Less
Transportation Options: Cab / Auto / Walk/Trek
Travel Tips: None
At a distance of about 700 meters from Aihole Bus Stand & Durga Temple Complex, Kunti Temple Complex consists of three temples. It is situated middle of Aihole village and not easily visible from the main road.
The temples believed to have built between 5th and 8th centuries have carved images of Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma on the ceiling. One of the temples is faced toward east while the remaining two are west facing. The west facing temples are connected by a portico.
To reach the complex, go past Mallikarjuna temple complex for about 100 meters and take right turn on the main road. Kunti complex is about 50 meters from the main road.
The complex is open till 6 PM.